Callie’s Story

Hey Guys, Its me Callie Truelove. I want to tell you a little about myself. I am 19 years old, I turned 19 on June 27th. When I was 2 months old after having multiple trips to the hospital by ambulance the doctor told my parents I would never see my first birthday. The doctor told them to bring me home and live every second like it was the last.
You see after many test and hearing a very bad heart murmur they found out that my aorta all three linings all throughout my body is extremely thick. I was sent to Children’s Health Care of Atlanta where my parents met with a Genetic doctor. They ask my mom a bunch of questions and did a test called a fish test. it came back that i have a syndrome called WILLIAMS SYNDROME.
My parents brought me home lived and cherished every minute with me and my three sisters. We trusted in The Lords plan and prayed for GODS WILL in my life and in my family’s life. As time went on many trips to doctors having many test therapies and hospital stays my parents seen GOD had a plan much greater than we could have ever imagined.
I realized that GOD had a plan for me and my parents saw very early the LOVE that GOD had placed in my heart for everything and everybody. The way i looked at people the world and circumstances was something they could not describe.
Years passed and i told my parents that GOD left me here to spread unconditional LOVE to uplift and help others. In 2014 after having symptoms i had some test done and my aorta in one area had gotten worse. I needed to have surgery ,the surgery would be very dangerous because of my WILLIAMS SYNDROME. It is very dangerous putting someone with Williams to sleep,but the doctor told my parents that if i didn’t have it done i could and would go into cardiac arrest. AGAIN we trusted in THE LORD and prayed for His Will to be done.
GOD again brought me through the surgery and again he told me that i was here to LOVE UPLIFT ENCOURAGE AND TELL OTHERS ABOUT HIM. For a very long time i have had a desire to help others and to bring a little hope and love to them. God has answered that prayer once again and gave me the opportunity to start THE TRUELOVE FOUNDATION. He sent a precious family into my life that wanted to help me bring my dream to life. He also has sent a group of individuals that have seen The Lord work in my life and they see the Plan he has for me and they have come together as our board members helping with the foundation.
My parents started a Facebook page in 2014 so that my daddy’s pastor friends our extended church family friends and everyone that would could pray for me. They could also update everyone on the surgery that i was having. I never knew that my Facebook page would grow to over 134,000 followers.
I have seen read and heard A lot of people beg for help. I have seen people hurting and it breaks my heart. My prayer is that i can help others one person at a time. I may not be able to change the world but my prayer is that i can help as many as i can.
When we were praying about The Truelove Foundation my mom was given this saying. PLANTING SEEDS OF HOPE & LOVE TO HELP OUR WILLIAMS SYNDROME FAMILY GROW & REACH THE WORLD. This is my desire.
I am ready to do what i was called to do. Would you come on the journey along beside me and help me spread HOPE AND LOVE. However you feel in your heart to help support me by donation being a monthly supporter but most of all I ask for prayer that I will make a change i will help someone i will make other feel the LOVE and give HOPE where it is been lost.